tv show

hello bloggers, today a will write about a tv show that i watched when was a child.

the name of tv show is ¨la colonia´, is a national tv show similar to ´casado con hijos´,actually the same actors act, excepting Fernando Larrain.

it was about a family that live in colonial times, they use clothes of the time and expressions, is a comedy tv show so is funny watch the combination between colonial time and comedy, also at the beginning of each chapter they speak about a data of the time.

this tv show was on mega ( a national channel) from 8:00 pm to 9:00pm.

i really liked this tv show because it was funny and novel that it was set in another time. I recently remember that it existed and i started to watch again, it´s a very good tv show.

In mexico is so famous this tv show, i was impressed to me because i thought that it transmitted only in chile. that  the people i know, no one knew it existed. if you know about this tv show i invite to you that put in the commentaries.

see you on next wednesday. bye.


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