MY HOBBY is make dress.

I started making stuff  when i was a kid, but in that time i only  fix clothes. later I started making clothes right from the start, the first time was in the prom, i made my shirt and my pants.

for create clothes i use firstly the sewing machine, but also use scissors, seam ripper.

this hobby involves, so many pacience and creativity  for do the thinks. So many time I 

overwhelm because the thinks don´t occur like one want.

In the summer i speed too much time in this because i had a lot of free time.

i enjoy doing this because is a mode for express  how i feel, and i feel that i can do think diferent stuff  to the rest.

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Try to write at least 150 words.

Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by fashion and clothing. I loved playing dress up and creating my own outfits out of whatever I could find around the house. As I got older, my passion for fashion intensified and I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the industry. think in the future i would like create a fashion brand where i will can sale chothes for important people  like famous people and they can walk in the red carpet with my designs, but for the other way i would like make or only sale  streetwear like basic t-shirt or accesesories. i have two ways so many diferents because in the first case is so glamorous and i think to imply more creativity for design and in the second case is more simple. I hope some day come true thoses dreams.


  1. Wow. This is a great hobby. We have a sewing machine at home but I don´t kmow how to use it. I can sew quite well by hand. My mother was a dressmaker-seamstress and she taught me how to do invisible stiches when I was about 10 years old.

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