family meal in the mother´s day

hello everyone, today i will speak about the time that almost sold my sister for camels.

I remember this meal was in may, because specifically  it was mother´s day , all the family ate like some italian food, i ate fetuccini, and after a few glasses of wine my aunts started talk about travel to italia, they had planed all the travel, how much did the ticket cost, how much did the hotel, and all cost to the travel. the strangest thing but also funny was that one of my aunts started speak about a friend that live in ejypt and a person offered him five camels for his daughter, in that my cousin commented that it exists a website that say how many camels you slope hahaha, and my other cousing searched the website and my other cousin began to calculate how many camels cost each one of the family, that was so fanny because we compared between us who cost more camels, my sister win with 59 camels, and my unts said they would sell my sister to pay for the trip to italy.

Thank you for read my blog, see you later the nex week with other history.



  1. your family is so crazy, I can imagine like a lot of fun and laughs in your meal

  2. This memory is so funny ! Let's go to egypt !

  3. That´s a great story. Have you seen the film The Blues Brothers? There is a scene in a restaurant were the protagonist offers to buy a family´s children.


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