San Francisco fotography

Hi everyone, today I will speak about this fotography:

 The photography that you can see is from san francisco , california.. when i has been in 2021-2022 holiday. this picture show the city of San Francisco and I take it in the top of  coit tower.

 I like because show the center of the city  and the more important and peculiar buildings, in particular one call me my attention because it  is very similar to the sky costanera center in chile.( you can see in the photo). also I liked other builing that is to the right, it have pyramid shape.

with this photo I can remind the shocked for be in other country totally diferent to the chile.

I has beed in dicember to the 2021 and I return in junary 2022, Ireally likeed visit San Francisco because is a very modern city, and you can see to much people for others countries and cultures, in the street you could listen a lot of people  speak chinese, spanish, hindu.


  1. Your photo is very nice, I like how all the buildings and aesthetics look.

  2. All the building have the similar color , the photograph is mostly blue

  3. Great shot. You are right, one of the buildings is very similar to Costanera Centre

  4. The photo looks like it was taken with a professional camera, nice photo!


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